New Year, new SW crew?
January 1st we all make them, but come February 1st most have been forgotten. So to ensure our success, the SW team is going on record with our resolutions for 2010.
Cynthia: I am going to try to be a better sport, and refrain from sulking, swearing or otherwise threatening Simon when he beats me at Wii tennis. I am also going to try to practice Wii tennis more when Simon isn't around so that his wining is less frequent.
Bianca: In 2010 I will **try** to stop harboring anger towards White collars with rolly bags in the FIDI who hold the rest of us up while trying to board the train, go up the escalator, cross the street, etc.
Mark: Reduce my carbon footprint - being an international playboy wreaks havoc on the environment.
Simon: I am going to spend less time communing with my iPhone, more time communing with my fellow man.
Melissa: I reduce the amount of time my family is forced to listen to 80's music on Pandora.
Haikusue: consume less chocolate/less wine might be ideal too/pass the vodka please.