Commentary: The end of Staycation
image via IMDBAugust is up on us, back-to-school gear is flooding into the stores, and the evening fog seems to whisper fall is coming as it rolls off the ocean. Summer is definitely on its way out; so can we all please stop saying “Staycation?”
The contracting economy, the price of gas, the general feeling of anxiety over what is coming next, whatever the reason, many of us have opted-out of big vacations this year and begun looking for affordable local options for rest and relaxation. However prudent this movement maybe be every time I hear a chirpy newscaster with overly coiffed hair and heavy eye make-up use the phrase “Staycation” I cringe.
A cheesy catch phrase created by the mainstream media moguls who constantly change their minds about whether we should “tighten our belts!” or “support the economy!” the word Staycation conjures images of traffic jams at 6 Flags exit in Vallejo, E coli outbreaks at Raging Waters, and the overwhelming sense of disappointment you feel when you drive all the way down to the Winchester Mystery House only to discover it really isn’t that mysterious after all.
Staycation is a buzz kill and it has nothing in common with the countless breath taking camping, hiking, swimming, and sightseeing locales sprinkled around the bay area. Staycation has a forced-family outing (FFO) ring to it that pretty much guarantees any activity performed in its name will be long, tedious and ending with someone getting carsick.
Staycation is so three months ago, and it's time we pack it away with the monokinis, and the dolphin shorts and all the other fads of Summer 09 that faded quickly in the hot northern california sun.
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