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Libertine Fall 2014


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« Summer sneakers, which retro style are you? | Main | What San Francisco needs now: Rollasole »

To horrible for words 

Hillary Frazier over at Fashion ( sighting racked) is lamenting the horrible, return of the "scrunchie" and we couldn't agree more.

Scrunchie you ask? You know, that thing Carrie Bradshaw insisted no woman in New York would ever be caught dead wearing, which led to a big fight, and the eventual post-it break-up? Yes, THAT scrunchie. That scummy cat-hair covered ponytail holder that you ONLY wear when applying a face mask or completing some other at home skin improving treatment, or sometimes when you have a really bad hang-over and no one is there to hold your hair out of your face, that thing, according to American Apparel, and their new 407 piece scrunchy collection, is the new "it" accessory.


As SW has mentioned many times before Dov Chaney, CEO of American Apparel is mental, and whatever Dov does, we do the opposite.

No scrunchies, no way.


  • With you, no scrunchies no way!
  • Against you, whatever! 80's retro styles rock!
  • With you, if I can still wear a scrunchie around the house
  • Against you, scrunchies are ok for errand running
  • I have short hair


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