All Ages rocks J-Pop 2012
Bubblegum pop, vocaloid, and all things kawaii, are usually what one things of when the line-up of performers at the J-Pop Summit Festival is discussed. But punk rock with serious musical chops? Not so much. That is why Sunday morning's All Ages show at the festival was such a welcome and much needed reprieve; like musical insulin for a kawaii-crashing crowd.
Officially billed as J-Rock, the band performed in both English and Japanese on several songs including their ballad for Tsunami victims "Words of Love", and had no problem getting the mostly English speaking, and most likely sleep-deprived crowd involved with the performance.
Unbelievably tight, despite lead vocalist Derrick's warning to the crowd that they "might be out of tune" (they weren't) the band rocked out song after song with all the stage diving, mosh pitting, chair jumping exuberance commonly found at midnight shows, not Sunday morning festivals. But the effect was infectious, and by the time they ended their set with "Class Ring", it seemed Peace Plaza had been filled with new fans of the band.
For more information on All Ages check out the band's official webhome, and for more images from the J-Pop Summit Festival performance become a fan of Style Wylde on Facebook.